Dark Tower of Ka
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Interested In Applying To DToKA?

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Interested In Applying To DToKA? Empty Interested In Applying To DToKA?

Post  Nes Lein Semaj Sun Aug 27, 2017 3:52 am

So you are interested in applying to Dark Tower of Ka [DToKA]? That's great! Hopefully we can help speed this process up for you and make this as smooth as possible. Let's not waste time and get right to it.

Who We Are:

We are a small PVE corporation operating out of Gallente space in High Sec. We are primarily involved in (though not limited to);

  • Agent Missions
  • Ratting
  • Exploration
  • Mining & Industry
  • Etc.

We are open to new players, returning players, and experienced players alike. We are still a young corporation, and as such we are still growing and developing. If you would like to have a hand in that experience, and participate in the future success of [DToKA] feel free to contact us or drop an application! Speaking of contact...

How To Reach Us:

Have you spoken to anyone in [DToKA] yet about the corporation, what we do, and if it would even be a good fit for you? If not, you definitely should. There are several options for doing so;

  • The first is to contact Kaycee Bueren or Nes Lein Semaj in game directly. Send us a message, and we will give you all the information you need.
  • The second is to join our public chat channel; DToKA Public in game.
  • The third option is to join our Applicants channel in our corporation Discord server. The invite link is: DToKA Applicants

Application Requirements:

To apply for the corporation, start a new post using the name of the capsuleer applying. Please fill out all of the following information, along with anything you feel is relevant, or that might benefit in us knowing. When you apply in game, either fill out the information the same as in your post, or reference that you have posted here with your application information.

  • Are you an Alpha, or an Omega clone? Also, how much experience do you have in Eve? Are you a new, returning, or experienced capsuleer?
  • What are your interests in Eve? What is your preferred play style, or what would you like to learn more about? If you're not sure, I suggest you play through each of the Career Agents after the new player tutorial. We can help with that!
  • What time zone are you located in? How much time a week do you think you'd be able to log in? We do not require a hyper-active member base, but it helps us to know when people are on in order to schedule corp events and fun times.
  • Your application must include a full API key. If you are unsure what this is or how it is used, it will be explained a little later.
  • (If accepted) You must be willing to download the Discord chat and voice client software, or be able to make use of Discord through your web browser. [DToKA] prefers Discord over other services such as Mumble or TeamSpeak.
  • (If accepted) You must be willing to install either your Med Clone, or a Jump Clone at a corporation facility. This enables all members quick and easy methods of traveling back to the main body of the corp for events, war fleets, etc.

Some applications will be accepted outright, and others may require an interview before being accepted. It is at the discretion of the Recruiters, and what they think is necessary.

What We Offer:

Again, we are a smaller corp, still working to truly establish ourselves, but we can offer some incentives for our members.

  • Access to corporation hangers and storage at corporation facilities.
  • Financial aid in the form of a compensation package for ship and equipment losses during corporation organized and hosted events.
  • Due to our requirement of a clone installed at one of our facilities, we will provide the Infomorph Psychology skill book at no cost to players who need it (through API verification).
  • We also have a corporation lottery, which works exactly like any other lottery.

API Key Information:

I will copy and paste information about API keys from the best source possible, CCP themselves (source):

What is an API key? What do I use it for?

The API key is a private code that identifies your account and allows third party programs and web sites to access information about your characters and corporations. Using this data, such utilities can improve your EVE experience by providing useful functionality such as wallet exports, skill training notifications, and other tools.

Is this safe? Can someone steal my account?

It is safe to provide your API key to applications and web sites as long as you are prepared to allow the application or web site to see your character and corporation information. You can specify which information is accessible for each customizable API key.
Sharing an API key does NOT give people access to your account while sharing your account password would. Therein lies the whole purpose of API keys. An API key only allows the recipient to view your character and corporation data but gives them NO control over it. They are NOT able to log in to the game or post on the forums with the API information. No part of the API key information is in any way generated from your account password - there is no way to calculate your password using this information.
This is the only safe way to give programs and web sites access to your data. Do not give out your account username or password to any person, program, or web site. Please keep in mind that doing so is a violation of the EULA and can lead to account termination.

I still don't like it.

If you are not certain that the web site or program asking for your API key is safe, please do not give it to them! You are responsible for any usage of the information obtained by using your API keys.

I gave someone my API key and now I want them to stop using it!

If you believe that someone is misusing your API key, you can delete it from the list above or simply change the Verification Code. Please note that all programs and web sites that are using your old API key information will no longer be able to access your data unless you provide them with the updated info or a new API key.
You can view API activity on your account by using the API Access Log. If you believe someone is misusing one of your API keys, please change the Verification Code or delete the API key from the list above.

To create an API key for your application, click Create API Key.

  • Be sure to name the key something you will remember, such as "DToKA Full Access" or similar.
  • Next, be sure to check the box marked 'No Expiry'. If you decide to leave the corporation at a later date you can always modify or delete the key.
  • Confirm that the 'Character' is set to 'All', and that 'Type' is set to 'Character'.
  • Scroll down and hit 'Submit'.

When applying, be sure to include your Key ID, and the Verification Code, exactly as they are, or the key will not load properly.

That's it for the application! A recruiter should be in contact with you shortly after your application in game, and your post here are applied.
Nes Lein Semaj
Nes Lein Semaj

Posts : 14
Join date : 2017-07-06

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